What's Happening

Perfect Container Installation

Just sometimes when you install new containers, it works out perfectly.  Watch the below video to see a great example of level container bases, good planning and excellent crane operation from Leon of Willbox.

Fieldfares at Fieldfare 

The Fieldfares return to Fieldfare Business Park each winter. At this time of year they are feeding on the Hawthorn berries that grow in the large hedge on one side of the site.
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There's normally at least 30 in a flock.
There's normally at least 30 in a flock.

New 8 ft Storage Containers

When we needed to replace an old 40 ft container at the end of a row we thought we would try five 8 ft units, our lowest cost storage solutions. With one already let the others are available if you want a value for money storage.

Moving an old 40 ft Storage Container  

As part of our ongoing replacement policy as containers age we replace tem with new containers. This short video shows how we move and replae a 40 ft stoage container.

And the sunsets come for free. 

Seeing the sun set behind Old Sarum Castle, just one of the benefits of storing  with Green Guard Storage.
Seeing the sun set behind Old Sarum Castle, just one of the benefits of storing with Green Guard Storage.

40 ft container being installed at Green Guard Storage 

24/7/365 CCTV with high definition recordeing 

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Security is crucial to your confidence in our ability to keep your goods safe and secure. We are continuing to upgrade or CCTV system to improve coverage and the resolution of our CCTV video.

Storage compounds

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As well as storage containers we also provide storage compounds. Thes are high security compounds that include a pallisade fence and a high cube storage container. They have proved popular with builders, groundworkers and landscape gardeners so we have recently finished anothe 2 compounds.


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Seeing a pair of Linnets on site is always a priviledge.